Hiroshima where has been recognized as the victim of the world's first atomic bombing is now known worldwide
as an “International Peace Culture City.”
Hiroshima has excellent manufacturing technology of denim along with Okayama, but that fact is not recognized less in general.
We believe that the growth of world-class technologies have symbolized reconstruction and the present peace.
We, blackmeans, establish “Hiroshima Denim”, with the cooperation of GUY who has continued to originate from Hiroshima
a message to desire peace, and issues a free zine “TO FUTURE” on August 6 every year since 2004.
We will deliver to the world a message from Hiroshima toward a world without war, to the future without nuclear weapons.
Part of the sales will be donated to the stricken area.
2005年より、毎年8月6日にfree zine『TO FUTURE』を発行し、平和を希求するメッセージを広島から発信し続けている
GUY氏の協力を得て、私達ブラックミーンズはデニムブランド『Hiroshima Denim』を立ち上げました。
ヒロシマデニムの売り上げの一部は『TO FUTURE』の活動、そして被災地への義援金へと充てられます。